Merangsang Emosi, Sensasi Yoga dengan Iringan Puisi
Ubud, CNN Indonesia -- Saya akan bangkit, dan bangkit lagi Saya mendongkrak, saya belajar banyak dari kehidupan sehari-hari Saya...

How Tyrone Beverly Uses Yoga to Start Important Conversations
A trailblazer brings together 
people of diverse backgrounds for yoga, food, and conversation. There’s nothing typical about Tyrone...

Instructor wants to heal police, race relations through yoga
DENVER - Tyrone Beverly started a nonprofit with the goal of helping people and their self-development. "What we focus on is social...

Your Best Life Today # 7 Tyrone Beverly - Yoga is for Everybody
Founder and Executive Director of Im’Unique, Tyrone Beverly is Denver’s leading advocate for inclusivity in yoga. He has been featured...

Through yoga, Tyrone Beverly embraces diversity, community building
Picture someone who practices yoga. What comes to mind probably is a white suburban mom in Lululemon tights, not a man who can lift...